Guest Conductor

OMEA East Central Regional Orchestra

2024 Region Orchestra Conductor

Dr. Philip Rudd

Philip Rudd has served as Director of Orchestral Activities at Denison University since 2017, after completing doctoral studies in orchestral conducting at the University of Iowa. His DMA dissertation research examined the influence of gender and class politics on the development of late-Victorian English women’s orchestras. He remains active as a conductor, violinist, clinician, and adjudicator, and was most recently named a semi-finalist at the OCCO International Conducting Competition in Portugal. Recent scholarship examining the intersection of aesthetic philosophy and musical practice was presented at the 2022 College Orchestra Directors Association National Conference. He currently serves as Northeast Regional President of CODA. Dr. Rudd often thinks about these things and sings Bob Dylan lyrics while running unreasonably long distances on trails, especially in the Denison Biological Reserve. He has principally studied conducting with Glenn Block, William LaRue Jones, and Kevin Noe.