Audition Information

OMEA North East Region Orchestra

Northeast Region Orchestra Information for FALL 2024

2024-2025 All-State and Regional Orchestra Audition Requirements

If you are interested in getting experience playing in a full symphony orchestra setting, performing top notch musical literature, and working with some of the finest conductors and high school musicians in the state, then the Northeast Region Orchestra festival is interested in YOU!

Application and Audition materials are now posted!

ELIGIBILITY: The applicant must be a student in grades 8-11 and a member of their high school band or orchestra.

Students must be able and committed to attend all of the rehearsals and performance. I will make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Your signature on the application affirms that you understand this commitment and obligation. 

AUDITIONS: *There will be online via Acceptd. Please review the Audition Information & Acceptd Instructions below. 

2024-2025 Region Orchestra/2025 All State Orchestra APPLICATIONS ARE EXCLUSIVELY ONLINE!

2024/2025 Regional and All-State Orchestra Audition Procedures

This year there will be 2 options for the Regional and All-State Orchestra auditions.  The standard option that has been used in the past (Option A) and a new Option B. They are listed below in detail:

  • Option A: Regional AND All-State Orchestra audition

    • Students who wish to be considered for both Regional and All-state Orchestra should choose this option.

    • Students choosing this option would perform the scales, etude, and BOTH the All-state Orchestral Excerpt (more advanced excerpt) and the Regional Excerpt on their audition recording. This is new for 2024-2025!

    • Students selected for All-State Orchestra would still be required to participate in their respective Regional orchestra, same as in previous years. 

    • Choosing this option does not guarantee membership in either ensemble.

  • New Option B: Regional Orchestra audition only

    • Students who wish to be considered for Regional Orchestra ONLY should choose this option.  

    • Students choosing this option would perform the scales, etude, and Regional Orchestral Excerpt (less advanced excerpt) on their audition recording. 

    • Students choosing this option would NOT be required to perform the All-State orchestra excerpt on their audition recording. 

    • Students choosing this option would not be eligible for All-State Orchestra.

    • Choosing this option does not guarantee membership in Regional Orchestra.

2024-2025 Region Orchestra/2025 All State Orchestra APPLICATIONS ARE EXCLUSIVELY ONLINE!

All Applicants must be enrolled as members of their school’s performing ensemble while applying, and must continue their participation during the 2024-2025 academic year (ex. All-State band applicants must be members of their school’s band, All-State choir applicants must be in their school’s choir, All-State Jazz applicants must be in their school’s Jazz ensemble, All-State Orchestra applicants must be in their school’s Orchestra or band ensemble.) Failure to observe this rule will nullify the student’s All-State eligibility.

If you have any questions regarding the additional audition option, please contact the region chair. 


OMEA continues the use of online applications for the 2024-2025 Regional Orchestras/2025 All State Orchestra. Please be aware the online application does not change how recordings are made, only how applications and recordings are submitted. You will need the following items to apply:

Items Needed to Apply:

  1. Student and Parent email addresses.
  2. Digital recordings of required Regional audition excerpts (as listed on the Region/District Websites)
  3. Your director’s contact information
  4. Your director’s 9-digit NAfME identification number
  5. A credit card for the $15 application fee (paid to Acceptd)
  6. School OMEA Region

2024-2025 Regional Orchestras/2025 All State Orchestra Strings Recording Requirements:

Each student (after announcing name and instrument) should record all ETUDES from the link below and then the EXCERPT passages listed for their instrument. Also, Orchestra strings must record the required scales listed for their instrument. See link for your instrument below.

2024-2025 All-State and Regional Orchestra Audition Requirements

Application Process (Instructions for using Acceptd)

We recommend using Google Chrome as your Internet browser.

Register Here! 

***Please note that the profile should be in the student's name. Directors are welcome to assist students in setting up their profile.***

  1. Under ‘PROGRAM GROUP’ select the region for which you are applying. You must apply to your correct region. If you are unsure of what region your school is in, please have your school director help you with this process.
  2. Under ‘PROGRAM’ select your instrument.
  3. Upload clearly named audio recordings. Recordings must begin with the student announcing their name and instrument.
  4. Each student (after first announcing name and instrument) will record all required Excerpts as listed by the Region, and next record required scales as listed by the Region. These can be submitted as one file or split up into separate files by excerpt. Please state your name at the beginning of every file that you submit.
  5. Recordings of individual selections should NOT be edited or spliced, but rather performed continuously. If a reviewer suspects an audio edit , your application may be removed from consideration.
  6. Attention should be given to the quality of the recording. The site of the recording should be as soundproof as possible.
  7. Directors are urged to review application information and recordings before submission.
  8. As of March 1, 2013, OMEA is using a third-party provider, Acceptd, Inc., for administering the online Region and All-State applications. For this service, the final step of the application includes a $15 application fee, paid by credit or debit card. OMEA will not receive this money.
  9. Once your application has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email and receipt. The email address you use will serve as our primary means of contacting you. Please check your email regularly and respond promptly.
  10. Failure to meet deadlines or follow application instructions will result in rejection of applications.
  11. Evaluation proceedings are confidential and final.

Alternates will be selected and used to fill positions as needed.


Molly Tweel, NE Region Chair
Claire Jarmusik, NE Region Chair-Elect
Kendra Karriker, NE Region Past Chair

(Districts 4, 5, 6 & 7)
