Solo and Ensemble

OMEA District 17

High School Solo and Ensemble

Saturday, January 27, 2024
Gallia Academy High School
Nattalie Phillips, Chair-
Registration Deadline- Saturday, December 30, 2023

Thanks for a successful High School Solo and Ensemble event!

Middle School Solo and Ensemble

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Gallia Academy High School
Nick Young, Chair-

District 17 Directors,

I hope this email finds you well. I want to pass along a reminder of the registration deadline for the District 17 Middle School Solo and Ensemble event, which is March 9th at 11:59pm. The event will be held at Gallia Academy High School on Saturday, April 6th. We are pleased to be able to host again and hope that you and your students will join us for a wonderful day of music.

Please make sure you have access to the portal and that your membership is current/renewed. No late submissions will be granted past the deadline, as I cannot add performers. Also, please note that a performer MUST be registered for the event to be eligible to perform. Though most adjudicators do allow changes to the schedule, we are NOT permitted to change the performer of a solo event, even if they play the same instrument.

OMEA has updated the website and the registration process, so please make sure you familiarize yourself with the changes.

This video will help:

Once you have registered all performers, please send your full payment and the Summary of Events form (signed by your administrator) to me at the address below ASAP! We all know that acquiring payment through school districts can be a slow process. Please be sure to get purchase orders in quickly to ensure that your check arrives in a timely manner or consider using booster organizations for payment if at all possible. I know that it can be frustrating to have to wait for your schedule, but I am not permitted to release information to you until AFTER I have received your payment and proof of registration.

Fees for this year are as follows, Solos: $18Ensembles: $22.

Checks should be sent to :

Gallia Academy High School

Attn: Nick Young 

2855 Centenary Road

Gallipolis, OH 45631

Also, don't forget to refresh your familiarity with OMEA Solo and Ensemble Rules and Regulations. This booklet can be accessed through the OMEA website.

When registering events, remember to list a preference for AM or PM, as this is the best way to receive your preferred time. If you have a specific request, please take the time to make a note about your needs or email me directly. I will do my best to honor requests and create the best possible schedule. Cancellations are inevitable and if you can get them to me in advance, it helps to keep things moving along on the day of the event.

I will send out additional updates and information as we get closer to the event date. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Looking forward to another great event!