Marching Band Registration Update 5/31
Greetings Directors:
We are pushing Local Event registration for OMEA Local Events back to this Saturday, June 3rd. Before that time, please log in and verify that your band profile has been created AND approved, otherwise you will not be able to register for events. If it says "Under Review" next to your Director Profile Status, most likely you have one or more required fields missing OR you never clicked "submit form" in the very bottom right corner.
We have quite a few profiles missing information.
A few registration reminders:
Other Items:
- Small Band Summer Session June 17th, 10-2:30 at Berne Union HS. Come hear two outstanding small-school directors, John Lindig (Ridgewood) and Tim Hoagland (Eastern Brown) talk about what makes their programs so special; hear OMEA Music Caption Head Jason Graham cover music design strategies for the small band; and JD Latorre will present on electronics and the small band. This is FREE, but please pre-register. Information flyer is attached.
- Summer Adjudicator Sessions are open to everyone! Three locations around the state, a free lunch, and no registration fee. Dates/locations are listed below. It's a great way to learn more about the adjudication process, or "what judges are looking for".
- OMEA Summer Update with the new 2023 rules and director deadlines is attached
- 2023 MB Local Events Schedule is attached (no changes)
I hope to see you this summer!
JD Latorre
OMEA Marching Band Affairs Chair
2023 Summer Session Dates and Locations
June 3
Licking Heights High School
4101 Summit Rd. SW
Pataskala, OH 43062
Event Chairs/T&P: 9:00-10:00
Adjudicators/Directors: 10:00am to 3:00pm
June 8
*Revere* HS (This is a location change from Norton HS)
Event Chairs/T&P: 9:00-10:00
Adjudicators/Directors: 10:00am to 3:00pm
July 6
Kettering-Fairmont HS
Event Chairs/T&P: 9:00-10:00
Adjudicators/Directors: 10:00am to 3:00pm