Welcome to District 14!
Fall 2024 D14 Meeting Notes
OMEA District XIV
Fall 2024 Meeting
Queen City Radio
Attendance: Michael Walker, Toby Biederman, Kelsey, DeMange, BettyAnne Gottlieb, Geoffrey Miller, Paul Glader, Matt Gaal, Isaac Watkins, Amy Thompson, Olivia Wakefield, Sterling Finkbire, Amy Beegle, Katie Blasing, Chad Sheridan, Paul Vickous, Chris Nichter, Bob Browning, Andrea Meyer
Call to Order by Kelsey DeMange
Motion to accept Spring meeting minutes, Geoffrey Miller - Second by BettyAnne Gottlieb - Motion passes
- Treasurer’s Report (Toby Biederman):
- SAVE THE DATE: Professional Development Conference 2025: Cleveland February 6-8, 2025
- Congratulations to all groups performing, and presenting educators!
- Northwest Middle School Select Choir, directed by Connor Busby
- Congrats All-State participants!
- Rick Canter @ Walnut has a slew of participants - Snaps to Rick!
- New Teachers: new OMEA members & First 5 Yrs. Virtual Happy Hour September 30th at 7:00 p.m.
- Table Discussion: It’s not too late to start your Tri-M chapter, host Junior High Honor Choir, or start preparing students for Solo and Ensemble! How does your district actively participate with OMEA? Discuss with your table! Have you updated your profile on OMEA? Share your profile with the people around you! Consider starting a chapter in your school! Amy Thompson (thompson_a@ohlsc.org) is your contact!
- Please send any New Business for State Board Meeting to Kelsey DeMange by November 11th.
- Marching Band Event Chairs: Check your inbox for detailed instructions from Dane Newlove, Director of Materials and Awards, for order materials for your fall event.
Contact Dane at ae_materials_director@omea-ohio.org with any questions.
- Write for the TRIAD: Do you do something interesting, unique, or that would be beneficial to your colleagues? Please consider writing an article for TRIAD! Deadline for submission is Friday, September 6. Please also consider submitting photos of your classroom in action!
Questions? Contact editor_of_TRIAD@omea-ohio.org
- Event spending: Please proceed with caution - purchase only essential items, or elements that positively contribute to our musicians. Please speak with Toby before making any purchases.
- Spring Meeting Location and Date: Monday, May 12th at 7:00 p.m. MadTree Brewing, 3301 Madison Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45209 (Eastside)
- Consider for 2024-25: Add a WINTER meeting with focus on content & their specific needs.
- ALL HONOR EVENTS have an admission charge. Audition music will be coming in early October.
- Junior High and High School Honor Band Auditions: December 7th, West Clermont, Brian Fischer
- Read and understand the Solo & Ensemble Rulebook early
- LG is expected to transition to a new recording system, a potential farewell to SD Cards!
- Advocacy - Paul Glader is one of our D14 advocacy gurus. Kristen Brown @ Princeton is also a wonderful resource. PLEASE consider sharing the wonderful things you do in your daily with not only your Administration, but also your district OMEA so they can amplify your good work!
Upcoming OMEA D14 Leadership Opportunities:
- President Elect 2026-2028 & Presidential Term 2028-2030
- Treasurer 2026-2028
Ohio Music Education Association
The Ohio Music Education Association believes all students should have equal access to high quality music instruction delivered by licensed music teachers through comprehensive school programs.

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