All-State Ensembles/Region Orchestra

General Information

Acceptd Audition Platform opens on April 2, 2025


  • Rehearsal Locations - Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH
  • Performance Locations - Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH


  • High School Ensembles - $225
  • All-State Children's Chorus - $100

Housing Information:

  • The responsibility of housing rests with the students' parents/guardians.
  • A limited block of hotel rooms will be available through the OMEA Housing Bureau at a reduced rate.
  • Students may stay at their own homes with the filing of proper releases.
  • Students are not permitted to house on their own without direct adult supervision.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for answers to FAQs.

Please see below for complete information and access to the Acceptd platform!

Regional Rehearsal Requirement for All-State Choir

  • All-State Choir members will be required to attend as many as two regional rehearsal. Details to follow.

Eligibility - High School

All applicants must be currently enrolled as members of their school's performing ensemble and must continue their participation during the 2025-2026 academic year. Home school students may apply if sponsored by their private teacher (must be an OMEA member). A parent/guardian of the home-schooled student will serve as the school administrator. Students must be enrolled in grades 9-12 for the 2025-2026 academic year. Failure to observe these rules will void the student's All-State eligibility.

Eligibility - Children's Chorus

Auditions will be open to all public, private and home school students in grades 4 & 5 during the 2025-2026 school year whose teachers are members of OMEA. Home-schooled students whose parent or private teacher is a member of OMEA are also eligible. Only those students who are currently in grades 3 or 4 are eligible to audition.

OMEA members are asked to encourage and assist their finest students in the application process described below. Please ensure that all applicants can match pitch, access the head voice and possess the focus and stamina to participate in full day rehearsals.

Rehearsal Requirement - Children's Chorus

All students are required to attend three regional rehearsals prior to the Professional Conference Performance. The regional rehearsal schedule and details will be posted to this website.

Students are encouraged to attend the regional rehearsal in their area but may elect to drive to a different region if there is a conflict.

Regional rehearsals are mandatory - a schedule will be communicated in the acceptance letters sent on August 31st.

Audition Process

OMEA continues the use of online applications for the All-State Ensembles. Please be aware the online application does not change how recordings are made, only how applications and recordings are submitted. The Acceptd Platform will open and begin accepting auditions on Apri 2, 2025.

You will need the following items to apply:

  1. Student and parent e-mail addresses.
  2. Digital recordings of required etudes/solos/scales/warm-up
  3. Your director's contact information
  4. Your director's 9-digit NAfME identification number
  5. A credit card for the application fee (paid to Acceptd)

Application Timeline

April 2: Complete information is released for 2026 All-State Ensembles. Acceptd Opens for All-State Applications. Updates will be announced on OMEA Social Media accounts and the website homepage.

May 31: Deadline for all applications to be submitted.

August 31: Notification of results to applicants and directors.

September 30: Due date for acceptance form and membership fee.


OMEA is now accepting auditions from piano students for both the All-State Band and All-State Orchestra. Audition information available using the links below!

2026 Audition Materials

Band, Choir, Jazz Band, Orchestra Winds, and Piano

Region Orchestra

Children's Chorus

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is housing not provided for students?

  • Concerns voiced by parents, directors, and students regarding rooming with strangers and the inability for OMEA to adequately accommodate the myriad of housing needs and rooming requests.
  • Risks and liability associated with four high school students rooming together with strangers.
  • The rising costs of hotel lodging which has impacted the overall All-State fee. This move is an effort to reduce costs for participants and create more equitable opportunities.
  • OMEA is developing long range plans to expand the access, scope, and variety of the All-State Ensemble program.

What are some  ways that I can support my student's hotel rooming needs?

  • Those within a reasonable distance may commute.
  • Local organizations such as veterans organizations, school PTAs, educational foundations, etc. may have funds available to support student housing expenses.
  • The Ohio Foundation for Music Education will continue to have funds available for those in need.

Do other states house their All-State students?

  • While some states still house their All-State students for the reasons listed above, many states now ask schools, directors, parents, etc. to manage their housing needs. This is true of other musical organization as well.

Are meals provided?

  • Yes. Meals will be provided during rehearsal hours. Breakfast will not be provided, but lunch and dinner will be provided at the rehearsal locations.

Last update - February 28, 2025

OFME All-State Scholarship - Deadline to Apply is September 12, 2025

Posted after Results are Complete

ONLINE OFME All-State Scholarship Guidelines and Application